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Art work No.36


Raqs Media Collective (India)

  • Exhibition Area Uedo|Former Uedo Station


A structure consisting of a frame that traces the silhouette of the station building of the former Noto railway Uedo Station was superimposed on the upper part of the building at a different angle. The structure, which fits in with the surrounding landscape during the day, glows a pale blue at night as if released from gravity. Is it the ghost of the station, or is it a future image? The work questions the memory of a place or thing and the existence of something immaterial.

Exhibition Area Uedo Former Uedo Station

  •  Latitude/Longitude (Google maps coordinates)|37.424236, 137.248221
  •  MAPCODE (GPS input)|329 615 484*18

*Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks used with permission from Google Inc.
*Mapcode and MAPCODE are registered trademarks of Denso Corporation.

  • Production year 2017