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Art work No.3

〈To Breathe : Suzu〉2021


  • Exhibition Area Otani|Wanzaki beach


Multiple mirror panels reflecting horizontal lines are positioned at Cape Wanizaki, surrounded on three sides by the sea. The artist, who sees the mirror as a tool to grasp existence conceptually, has developed installations with mirror surfaces for 20 years. The mirrors stand tall on the cape, capturing the constantly changing character of the sea in real-time, making the viewer aware of the environment. It will also display images of flags from around the world superimposed on each other.

Exhibition Area Otani Wanzaki beach

  •  Latitude/Longitude (Google maps coordinates)|37.514222, 137.218946
  •  MAPCODE (GPS input)|913 041 319*81

*Google and the Google logo are registered trademarks used with permission from Google Inc.
*Mapcode and MAPCODE are registered trademarks of Denso Corporation.

  • Production year 2021